Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Photos of Our Son (Yet to Be Named)

Yesterday was our first ultrasound, which was absolutely AWESOME. We had a wonderful technician, Betsy, who was helpful in pointing things out to us and explaining things to us.

90% of our friends and family said we were having a boy and you were right!!!It was so amazing to see our child on the screen moving and squirming. I haven't really felt him yet (that I can tell), so it was so cool to see how active he is. I kept thinking "How can anyone experience this and NOT see God's hand in it or recognize that a baby IS a person?"

Everything looks healthy and normal - he has all the correct parts in the correct places, which is a blessing! He kept putting his hands up in front of his face - sometimes he looked like a boxer and other times he was sucking his thumb (just like his mom did!).

Here are a few of his first photos:
A boxing/thumb sucking pose.

His Profile.

His arms and hands.

His foot.

1 comment:

Leo and Jen said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! I'm so excited for you two! What a miracle! Crazy.... there's a person inside of you!!!! AAAAh!