Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So...There's a Good Reason Why We Haven't Updated our Blog Lately...

It's been quite a while since we've updated our blog. As most of you know, we found out on Thanksgiving that we are going to have a baby at the end of July!!!! We're very excited, but we've definitely been keeping busy with trying to get our ducks in a row.

Christmas was...interesting. We weren't able to make it to our family Christmas in Idaho due to the weather. We ended up holding down the fort with my parents in Gresham (took us FIVE hours to drive there!!!). We're glad the snow has passed...

This last Friday (my 29th birthday), Nathan and I had our first doctor's appointment and were able to hear the baby's heartbeat (the BEST gift ever). To celebrate, we went to Babies 'R Us and bought a stroller/carseat combo and a pack and play.

Here are a few photos from the last few months:

Christmas in Gresham -

The tree in our backyard during the freezing rain:

This is the sight I came home to the day I had the blood test at the doctor to confirm pregnancy (seriously, I was on the phone with the doctor's office when I walked in to see this):

The poor, decapitated Tinkerbell:

This is just funny...after the top picture, I was wondering what happened to Tinkerbell's head...it was still on the tree.

The cats on a cold day - snuggling by the heater (this NEVER happens):


Leo and Jen said...

Oh, I'm glad you posted the tree.... the actual moment of discovery! Oh.... and did you ever think you would be posting for the whole world to know your excitement about a pack n' play? Crazy! I'm glad we talked today. I was missing you! Be sure to send me pictures of the giraffe!

Maureen said...

Yay for July babies!!!!