Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ohhhhhhh the craziness...

Working hard, reading as much as possible, sitting and talking, ignoring house hold chores, petting the cats, watching the Olympics (then crying cause they were over), trying to stay awake past 9:30pm* (the "old factor" is setting in), trying to stay true to the physical workouts, planning a trip to Cali in November, and sleeping...

So now when you wonder what Nathan and Billie have been up to you'll know.

Oh yeah, I (Nathan) was asked to be on the Board for the Salem Youth Symphony. Don't know if I will accept, but I was pretty honored to be asked.

That's all folks! We're not planning on visiting the fair this year either. It's a loud, obnoxious, expensive and dirty place.

*A public appology to my parents for complaining that my friends couldn't call the house after 9pm. You said I would understand why when I was older; I am older and I really get it now!

1 comment:

Leo and Jen said...

Carnies! Small hands....smell like cabbage. I know what you mean but we are still gonna go on friday.

Leo and Jen

p.s. Congrats on the Youth Symphony!