Thursday, August 28, 2008

Busy...then not

So I bet you've all had those days. The day before you are so busy you can't think straight, then the next you are so slow that you wonder why you even bothered getting up. My business is always a roller coaster of speed.

I started at 8, got a lot done and had lunch at 11:30. Came back to the office and I have been waiting ever since. I wait on borrowers to get me documents, underwriters to get me answers, Realtors to get me signatures and so on and so forth.

This afternoon I was so "in active" that I took some random office photos. The first one I call "Keg in the Grass." Tiffany's Keg of Diet Coke mysteriously disappeared from her desk. Tiffany is the greatest processor in the world, and she's on my team...

This next picture is the bossman, Mark Patterson. He abuses me with words, but not fists. He like to recline in his office and yell at everyone to work harder and produce more loans.
Finally this is a Pug. I found this picture online when I was trying to make a funny "motivational" poster on Pugs are just weird looking...oh yeah the poster I ended up making is below.
Sometimes I make these dumb photos when I look up "funny animal pictures" on google.

Okay, I'm done being borred. My last appointment just left and I'm outta here!

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