Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Why so serious?"

Nate and I just got home from seeing "The Dark Knight." I've always been a Batman I proved in the 5th grade when I dressed up as The Joker for Halloween.

Tonight, after the movie was over, Nate looked at me and said "Wow. That picture of you from Halloween just FREAKS me out now." (or something to that effect).

Jack Nicholson's Joker freaked me out enough as a kid...I think dressing up as the Joker was my way of coping with the horror I felt whenever I watched the original Batman movie. But Heath Ledger's Joker makes Jack Nicholson's character look like a walk in the park (don't get me wrong, I think they were both creepy in their own ways, Ledger's is just a tad more disturbing). Either way...if I didn't have the picture to prove it, people might not believe that this wasn't a play on the most recent Joker legacy. But, trust me...this photo is from 1990.

There's nothing funny about an empty playground (this is probably the most "emo" shot of my childhood).

Yikes. Just looking at the pictures makes my face itch.


Leo and Jen said...

I don't know if this truly can apply as emo.... I think it's its very own category. My face itches too when I look at that picture. When I was a kid I got lice from the neighbor kid and anytime I hear the word or it's related cousins my head itches for the next week. I'm sure the same kind of reaction happens when you look at this picture.

alicia marie said...

love. that. picture. that made me laugh so hard....