Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Nothing and Everything

I was hoping for the muse of creative writing to strike me lately. Then nothing happened...at all. So I thought I would just write that really nothing and everything has been happening lately.

Billie and I have been working a lot lately. The hours have been long and I haven't been home a whole lot. Loans are coming in right now, but not doing anything. I have a ton of them waiting for something to happen so they can move forward and buy or refinance. Mainly people want lower interest rates. Without waxing borring about my industry, the rates are still much lower than they have been in the last 10 years. So I don't know what people are waiting for, but they all want the best deal. Oh well, it'll happen when it happens.

I'm waiting tables one night a week. That's pretty nice actually. And I'm taking next week off of all work to do chores around the house. I have a gate to build, a deck to build and some landscaping to do. Maybe I'll take some pictures and post them too.

We celebrated our sixth anniversary this last weekend. June 22, 2002 was the day and this last Saturday we went to the beach to hang out. It was really nice.

Okay, that's all for now. More updates to come later. I'm watching "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" now. More later.


Leo and Jen said...

We didn't know it was your anniversary.... or maybe we did, we just didn't remember. What a terrible friend! Well, happy belated anniversary. You just need to know that everything I do will always be late, but well meant! You'll have to tell us about your I survived a Japanese game show show. Sounds weird!

Anonymous said...

Hey Billie! I didn't even know you had a blog...but I am adding it to mine so I expect laughter everyday!!! Ha! :) I will catch up later, hope all is well with you and that hubby of yours~Michelle

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. : )