Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Ghost of Christmas Present…

Christmas was so much fun this year – after we got past the emotional break down I had on Christmas Eve from all the stress of cleaning the house, baking, cooking, and taking care of Titus.  We already shared the pics of Titus in his brief debut as Baby Jesus, but here are some of our favorite pics from Christmas.


First, are a couple pics of my favorite cookies I decorated – I’m very proud of Chewbacca.

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Titus’s first present on Christmas Eve – traditional pjs from my family and also traditional legos from Nathan’s family:IMG_1494 IMG_1506

Christmas Morning: Titus’s Viking hat from IKEA (LOVE it!): IMG_1515 IMG_1529

The Boys (Daddy remind me of Hagar for some reason)IMG_1533

The Viking hat WITH the foam axe I found at Target for a buck (I have a feeling both will get a lot of use in about 3 or 4 years):


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