Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pregnancy Update: 23 weeks

I've been pretty scatter brained lately and am just now thinking I should post some updates. Here are the most recent photos of me - finally starting to show. I'm starting to actually look pregnant and not just look like I've been packing away extra cookies!!!
This first one if from the night we went to "Wicked." I was really worried that I just looked fat, but while I was in the SUPER long line for the bathroom, a woman came up and asked if it was the line for the bathroom. When I said yes, she replied, "I don't have to go that bad, I can hold it. I'm just glad I'm not pregnant." I told her I was lucky it wasn't an emergency (but maybe I should've said "Seriously, I'm glad I'm not pregnant either" just to see if it made her feel awkward).
This is 21 weeks.
22 weeks (last week). I've still been wearing my non-maternity clothes, but have slowly been saying goodbye to clothing day by day.
The last time I went to the doctor, when he went to listen to the heartbeat, he said: "Whoa, you're not wearing maternity pants? What are these, your gangster pants?" Doc's hilarious.

The diaper cake that Renee made for me while they were visiting from California. So cool, I'm keeping it in one piece until I absolutely need to take it apart! It has all sorts of fun things - teethers, toys, socks, and grooming essentials. It even has a few Piper-approved selections!


Leo and Jen said...

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Look at you. I still am having a hard time getting my mind wrapped around your being pregnant! I've been thinking about you guys A LOT lately. I'll give a call today. :)

alicia marie said...

can I just say that it is so cool/weird to see you pregnant??? I'm so excited to meet him!

also, you seem to be carrying him rather high, which may be why so many of your regular pants still fit! yay for little blessings!