Thursday, November 13, 2008

CA Trip-Part I: Driving, Babies and Pumpkins

Nate and I just returned from our vacation to California to meet our niece, Piper. We decided to save some pennies by driving, which Nathan did all by himself (not that I didn't offer...but I'm not complaining).

We left October 30th at 3 pm and stopped in Winston to have dinner with our cousins and meet their beautiful girl, Zoe.
The drive was most difficult from about 4 a.m. until about 5:30 when Nate found a Starbucks, which was the first blessed sign that our trip was almost over. My drink was wrong, but it was the most heavenly thing I had tasted in days. The sun was starting to come up as we hit L.A.
When we arrived, I got to hold my niece for the first time before crashing for a long nap. Later, we all went to the pumpkin "patch" (it was a parking lot with pumpkins scattered on the ground) and carved pumpkins (let me tell you - we paid a buttload for those pumpkins and weren't about to NOT carve them. Note to self: Bring your own pumpkins next time).

The proud grandparents...Saturday, we hung out with the family and went shopping at "The Block."

The pool wasn't safe to swim in....Brandon's remote control shark was on the loose.

1 comment:

Leo and Jen said...

Looks like it was nice weather and filled with excitement. I'm sure you guys are exhausted... and so are they. Glad you could go visit!