Sunday, April 20, 2008

Morning of April 20th

This morning I awoke on my 28th celebration of birth to find it was snowing! What a crazy weather pattern we're having. Last weekend it was 60+ degrees, now it's snowing.

Billie and I were shown this sight by some good friends: Leo and Jen. They like to use this blogspot thing for their own adventures.

Last night Billie threw a birthday party for me with some of our good friends. Last year, during a rousing card game of SWAP! Cyrus and Colby commented on how hard it was to play with me because my hands were so big they were covering all the cards. That began the hand jokes, and thus the birthday theme: Big Hands. My friends are so funny. Every gift had to do with big hands.

First there was Kim and Cyrus's gift for clean hands:

Then Jen and Leo made me some special gifts like super hero gloves that fit my hands, a T-Shirt proclaiming my super powers and a candy bar that fit my hands! Click Here

It was a great birthday. Billie made cool decorations all over the house. A couple weeks ago she told me that her coworker didn't believe how big my hand was so she had me do an outline of my hand on a piece of paper to prove it. Well, it was just a clever ruse to get my hand design which she used in all the decorations! She apparantly used the hand for the invites and then posted some of them around the house with different quotes from our friends about the size of my hands!

And I didn't want a cake for my birthday, but instead I wanted her delicious cream cheese sugar cookies. So while I was out working she made a whole batch for the party. But my surprise was the fact that she found a hand cookie cutter! Who would have guessed?

Anyway, we'll see how often we actually post to this blog. Hopefully it will be more often than not. Let us know what you think and leave a comment!


Leo and Jen said...

Yah, fellow bloggers. It's a little addicting, specially when other people check it out and leave nice messages! It's like a modern day scrap book, and it really challenges us to remember to bring the camera and document the silly, or special things in life. Specially if you have family far away, it's a good way for them to see what you are up to! You are officially on our link of blogging people we will be checking on every day! We specially enjoyed the cat (licking) pictures. I'm thinking of a "hot hair ball" right now.... and the sign language motion that goes with! Keep em' coming friends!

Leo and Jen said...

ps. You guys got way more snow than us! Weird! Happy Birthday Nate!!!

alicia marie said...

Happy Birthday, Nate! Welcome to the world of bloggers!